"On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee... Jesus and his disciples had been invited". John 2: 1 & 2
It may surprise you to know that the first miracle Jesus ever did was at a wedding. A couple, probably just like you, was getting married. Sadly the wine ran out. Jesus saved the day. He changed some water into wine, and the Bible says revealed his glory. [John 2: 11]
Weddings are great occasions, even if the wine runs out, and though we can't assure you of that not happening, we can hope to make your wedding a special one.
Over the years many people have been married at St Augustine's. Some have been married for the first time, some have been remarried, some people have decided to finally get married. Some people are Anglican, some Catholic, some of no particular faith. We hope to help all.
Here are the basics:
Hopefully that answers most of your questions. If not please ring the church office. Happy wedding!
Please note that at this stage the Anglican Church does not provide for same sex blessings or marriages.
And Jesus took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them Mark 10:16.
In the gospel of Mark it tell us that some parents were bringing children to Jesus to be blessed by him.
For some reason (we really don't know) his disicples wanted to stop them from coming.
Jesus said let the children come to me and do not hinder them for to such as these belongs the kingdom of God.
As you think about baptism here are a few things that might help you. If you have any questions please contact the church office
God loves all children. Baptism doesn't change that. What baptism does is change parents. Baptism says that I want to bring my child up to love, serve and know Jesus. This is a great thing to do and we are keen to help you in that process.
There is no difference really between baptism or christening. They both refer to the same thing. We tend to call it baptism so that people don't get confused that a person becomes a Christian at their baptism. Being a Christian is something that happens in your heart not in a font or bowl
Baptism generally happens when a baby is young. People though are baptised at any age. The Anglican church emphasises infant baptism. It is a part of a 2 step process. Parents have their children baptised when they are young. Those children then take on that decision for themself when they are confirmed. Many adults are also baptised. The service is a bit different
The best thing to do is ring the church office 4963 1388 and find out if the day is free.
Generally baptisms happen at the 9.30am service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.
In order to confirm t we ask you first come to check and have a brief chat with Stuart our minister
No. But a donation to the church is gratefully received
Traditionally a girl has had 2 godmothers and a godfather. A boy traditionally has had 2 godfathers and a godmother. But that's just tradition. Talk with Stuart more about this. What is important is that the persons you choose help you to bring up your little one to love and serve Jesus.
There are very few things that matter when it comes to baptism. The one thing that matters is what you want for your child. Just quickly do you have to be married? No. Do you have to be Anglican? No. Do you need to be a local? Actually this one is a yes. We generally baptise people who live locally to St Augustine's or have a substantial connection because we are hoping you make us your home!
Jesus said "Come to me all who are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest". Matthew 11:28.
I can't think of another time when we are more weary or heavy burdened than the loss of a parent, child, friend or relative. It is overwhelming, all consuming and can be very confusing
We are keen to help you at this time.
Funerals at St Augustine's are an opportunity to give thanks to God for a person's life, to lay their body to rest and to support you in your loss.
A funeral service can be organised through the church office.
The office will be able to help you with the details, talk you through the service and put you in contact with an Anglican minister.
The service generally is about 45 minutes in the length. It can be followed by a cup of tea in the hall or you can go across the road to Souths Leagues Club for a bigger event. The church has ample parking on site.
The basic cost is $750. $250 for the church, $250 for the ministry and $250 for the organist. A Service booklet is part of that fee.
The coffin can be in the church building or not. The minister can accompany you to the crematorium. You might prefer just to have the funeral at the crematorium. We can help with all of these. Video facilities are also available.
Our hope is to help in time of need. Psalm 46 says God is our strength and refuge a very present help in trouble
Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty". John 6:35
Communion or eurcharist or Lord's Supper is available to all those who love and serve the Lord Jesus This is whether you are confirmed or baptised or not.
A communion service is held each Sunday at 7:30 and twice a month at 9:30am (generally the first and the third Sundays of each month).
Home communion can be organised also with lay members or the clergy of the church bringing communion to you.
Confirmation happens once a person turns 14. Confirmation is a service at which the local Bishop presides. It is a statement to family and friends that you turn to Christ.
If you are interested in being prepared for confirmation come along one Sunday and talk to Stuart.